Do you have Difficulty helping your children express their feelings and emotions? It can be difficult to explain the complexities of our innermost thoughts and how they manifest themselves in various ways. But don’t worry – there are easy ways to teach kids about understanding their feelings and expressing them effectively. In this article, I’ll provide some great tips on teaching children about feelings and emotions so that parents can help foster stronger communication between their little ones!

Does your Child have Difficulty understanding and Expressing their Feelings?

Emotions, let alone children, can be complex for adults to understand. That’s why it’s so important to help children learn how they feel and express themselves properly. By teaching them about the different types of emotions – such as happiness, anger, and sadness – they will gain a better insight into themselves and others around them.

With our ideas for teaching children about feelings and emotions, you can help your child learn strategies that support emotional well-being. Our approach also enables kids to recognize the behaviors associated with each emotion and identify when those behaviors are necessary.

What are you waiting for? Keep reading to find out more!

Introducing the Concept of Feelings and Emotions to Kids 

Adults sometimes forget how overwhelming and confusing emotions can be for children. They are introduced to a world with rules and expectations that they must follow while they struggle with navigating their feelings and emotions. Teaching kids about feelings and emotions is important in their emotional development.

When we help them understand what they are experiencing and give them the language to express it, we give them a valuable tool for managing their emotions. We can show them that emotions are a natural part of being human and that there is no wrong way to feel.

By doing so, we are creating a safe space for them to process their emotions without feeling judged or ashamed. Introducing the concept of feelings and emotions to kids is an important step in helping them grow into emotionally intelligent adults.

Explaining Different Emotions and How They Show Up Physically 

 Children are just learning the basics of expression and how it relates to their feelings. We can help them understand these difficult emotions by explaining how they show up physically in our bodies.

The following are great examples of emotions and how they can be expressed through physical cues:

  • Happiness: Smiling, laughing, clapping hands, jumping up and down.
  • Sadness: Crying, hunching shoulders, or feeling heavy.
  • Anger: Clenching fists, stomping feet, slamming doors.
  • Fear: Trembling, shivering, holding tight.
  • Disgust: Curling up the nose and frowning.

Creative Ideas for Teaching Kids How to Express Their Feelings Appropriately

Once your child understands the different emotions better, it’s time for you to start teaching them how to express themselves in appropriate ways. Here are some creative ideas for doing so:

Use Books and Toys

Encouraging kids to read stories or play with toys that help them understand their feelings is an effective tool. This can be done through storybooks with relatable characters or special toys like emotional dolls.

Create Feelings Games

Creating a game to help kids recognize and express their emotions is another great way to teach them how to express themselves. You can use cards, paper cut-outs, pictures, etc., with different emotive expressions to create an active, fun game.

Make Emotional Journals

Have your child write down their feelings in a journal and draw pictures to illustrate them. This will help them be more mindful of when they are experiencing a certain emotion and how to cope with it.

Strategies to Manage Intense or Uncomfortable Feelings 

Teaching children about feelings should include strategies to manage intense or uncomfortable feelings. This allows them to recognize and address when they are feeling overwhelmed and find solutions that help them cope better.

Strategies you may use include:

  • Deep breathing.
  • Counting to ten.
  • Walking or exercising.
  • Other calming activities.

You can also encourage them to express themselves through art or writing when they feel overwhelmed or stressed. Using positive self-talk can also be an effective tool for managing their emotions.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ideas for Teaching Children about Feelings and Emotions

Q: How can I help my child express their feelings?

A: You can help your child express their feelings by encouraging them to talk about their feelings and why. You can also use books, toys, and creative activities to teach them about different emotions and how to manage those feelings in healthy ways.

Q: Why is it important to manage and understand emotions?

A: Understanding and managing emotions is important because it’s the key to healthy relationships in the present and as our children grow into adults. By teaching them how to identify, express, and manage their feelings, we equip them with the skills they need for healthy communication with others.


Teaching children about feelings and emotions is an important part of growing up. It helps them respond to difficult situations effectively and can lay the foundations for positive relationships later in life. Exploring different teaching methods can be fun for both parent and child, making it a great learning experience for all involved. 

Remember, you should always use techniques that best suit your kid’s age and development level, considering their needs to ensure they learn effectively. Building empathy and emotional literacy skills should always be a top priority if you want your little ones to grow into healthy, happy adults!